Jobs & the Economy
Pennsylvanian workers have lost ground as special interests, corporations, and lobbyists have gained more power. Companies reap record profits while wages aren't keeping pace. Too many Pennsylvania working families are a mere $500 away from economic ruin. I will work to create an economy that boosts wages, secures opportunity, and makes a brighter future for all.
A Pennsylvania Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
The federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is an upstanding policy that helps millions of working class Americans. We should implement a Pennsylvania version of this tax credit to put more money into the pockets of hard-working Pennsylvanians.
Raise the Minimum Wage
Pennsylvania's minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 an hour for over a decade; it's time to increase the minimum wage to at least $15 an hour. Every neighboring state has a higher minimum wage. It's time to give Pennsylvanian workers a raise.
Investing in Career & Technical Education
Every Pennsylvanian worker who wants to learn a new skill should be able to do so affordably. The skilled trades should be a priority in the next round of budget negotiations. Investing in employees improves the income and conditions of workers.
Support Small Business
Small businesses are the cradle of economic development. By expanding opportunities for small business loans and access to capital, Pennsylvanian small businesses can grow. Pennsylvania must be a business-friendly state, but we cannot afford to give away the store to large corporations. Any economic development dollars must be directed to Pennsylvania-based or small businesses.
Protecting the Right to Organize
Pennsylvania has historically been the heart of the labor movement. I will oppose any attempt to undermine the right to unionize. The working men and women of Pennsylvania have the right to collectively bargain for wages and benefits. I will protect these rights in Harrisburg.
Investing Federal Money Wisely
By working thoughtfully and strategically, federal money has been invested in quality community projects across the Commonwealth. Unfortunately, many of our tax dollars are not coming back to the district. I will champion the priorities of Franklin and Adams Counties. You don't deserve do-nothing politicians; you deserve an advocate who will bring your money back home.